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Here you will be able to find all of the amazing work from our very own talented RISE UC and community members!

If you would like to submit any work, please see our google form in our Instagram bio linktree. We will be showcasing at least 5-6 submissions every month and you will be able to submit submissions anytime. We will also be using these submissions in our RISE UC scrapbook that we will be showcasing during ACLSJ!

RISE UC Submissions: Image

July 2021

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Sreya Kandarpa

Director of Awareness

Art Piece

This piece is one that reflects upon my culture and is a work I am particularly proud of. I obtain my creative liberty from my culture and express myself through my oil painting.


Anna Warshak


My Experience with RISE UC

I joined RISE UC my first year at the University of Cincinnati because of the inspiring and unique mission of supporting survivors of acid violence. In my second year, as Director of Fundraising I was able to raise over $3,000 to fund the Microloan Empowerment partnership project with Hope Care Rescue Mission. Now, I am Co-President of RISE UC and have been able to see first-hand the impact we've made in the lives of 14 Acid Violence Survivors in Uganda through this project. You can learn more about this project and see more photos under the 'Microloan Empowerment' tab.

I love RISE because they've equipped me with the tools to make real change by supporting acid violence survivors and activists. I love RISE UC because of the overwhelming sense of tight-knit community and unrelenting support from all student members.


RISE UC Submissions: Projects
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